Don't have a blog?
You can use the link widget to upload a photo from your online photo albums, website or right from your computer. (If you’d like to start a blog, Blogger is free and really easy. And if you don’t have an online photo album, Flickr and Picasa are also free and easy.)
Questions about what qualifies?
Dollhouses used in the contest do not have to be new. But, as some of you already have AMAZING dollhouses, and since prizes are involved, to be fair to all entrants, I ask that to qualify you make significant changes to either the house itself, the decor or purpose of the structure. If you only want to finish or re-finish one room, that will be fine too, just enter that one room into the contest!
Need to update your link?
The links are not editable, but if you would like to update it with a new picture or new title, first try hovering over it. If a little red X appears, go ahead and delete it and re-enter using your new photo and title. If you don’t see the little red X, just email me and tell me you’d like to edit it. I can delete it and so you can link up from scratch or I can edit it for you. It will be quick and easy and no trouble at all!
Questions about how to join?
To officially join the contest, post a photo on your blog or your photo sharing site. Then scroll down under all the pretty pictures below and click the little blue button that says “Add your link.” Enter the URL that your photo is at, your email address and the title that you want to appear under your photo. It would be helpful if you could add a tag titled “Undersized Urbanite” to the posts relating to the contest so we all know what to look for when checking out your progress.